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The buffer module header is lapin/buffer.h.
typedef struct s_bunny_buffer
     const size_t _private[3];
     ssize_t width;
     ssize_t height;

} t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌b‌u‌f‌f‌e‌r;


The t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌b‌u‌f‌f‌e‌r structure represents a 2D graphic memory chunk. It is used by several other types as root structure, in a way that look likes C++ simple inheritence.

     The purpose of this structure is to gather datas that are always found in some kind of objects and to create an indication:
     Any function that accept a t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌b‌u‌f‌f‌e‌r as parameter can accept a type that derived from t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌b‌u‌f‌f‌e‌r.


  • const size_t _private:
         A reserved chunk of memory containing LibLapin specific datas. An attempt to edit them would end in a crash, sooner or later.
  • ssize_t width:
         The width of the buffer in pixels.
  • ssize_t height:
         The height of the buffer in pixels.