typedef struct s_bunny_buffer
const size_t _private[3];
ssize_t width;
ssize_t height;
t_bunny_buffer structure represents a 2D graphic memory chunk.
It is used by several other types as root structure, in a way that
look likes C++ simple inheritence.
  The purpose of this structure is to gather datas that are always
found in some kind of objects and to create an indication:
  Any function that accept a
t_bunny_buffer as parameter can
accept a type that derived from
const size_t _private:
  A reserved chunk of memory containing LibLapin specific datas.
An attempt to edit them would end in a crash, sooner or later.
ssize_t width:
  The width of the buffer in pixels.
ssize_t height:
  The height of the buffer in pixels.