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On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
This macro wraps a call to a real function, which is:
t_bunny_server *_bunny_new_server_opt( uint16_t port, t_bunny_protocol protocol );
It fill the second parameter with BPT_TCP.
Always return a valid pointer on a statically allocated t_bunny_communication filled accordingly to what happened in the function.
Return true or false on error.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Cannot find the sent file descriptor.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
Return true if you can safely call bunny_server_poll and it will returns immediatly.
Return true or false on error.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Cannot find the sent file descriptor.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.
This macro wraps a call to a real function, which is:
t_bunny_client *_bunny_new_client_opt( const char *host, uint16_t port, t_bunny_protocol protocol );
It fill the third parameter with BPT_TCP.
Always return a valid pointer on a statically allocated t_bunny_communication filled accordingly to what happened in the function.
Return true if you can safely call bunny_client_poll and it will returns immediatly.
Return true or false on error.
On error, $Vbunny_errno is set to:
Out of memory.
Logs written by this function are tagged with the "network" label.