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The Hanged Bunny Studio splash screen. You can use it as an exemple of context. You can find a complete usage inside example/misc/splash inside the bunny library repository, aside the required ressources.

You can also use it if you want to significate that you are using the bunny library. This would make us very happy.

The splash module header is lapin/context/splash.h.
typedef struct s_bunny_splash_screen
     t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌c‌o‌n‌t‌e‌x‌t‌_‌r‌u‌n‌t‌i‌m‌e‌_‌i‌n‌f‌o head;
     char *bunny_picture_file;
     char *rope_picture_file;
     char *title_picture_file;
     char *jingle_sound_file;
     char *boom_sound_file;
     char *outch_sound_file;
     char *falling_sound_file;
     const char _private[512;

} t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌s‌p‌l‌a‌s‌h‌_‌s‌c‌r‌e‌e‌n;


     This structure allow you to display the Hanged Bunny Studio splash screen. It is mainly used by Hanged Bunny Studio games, of course.

To be used, all strings that relate to file must be filled. Those fields are not automatically set to adapt to different repository file organisation.

You must set in head a screen that will be used as graphic target. You can set any function pointer inside subcontext and any main_structure or next_context.



     This global data is configured with the adequate function pointers to generate the Hanged Bunny Studio splash screen. You can use it by calling b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌s‌e‌t‌_‌c‌o‌n‌t‌e‌x‌t with it as parameter and by calling b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌l‌o‌o‌p or b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌l‌o‌o‌p‌_‌m‌w with a correctly filled t‌_‌b‌u‌n‌n‌y‌_‌s‌p‌l‌a‌s‌h‌_‌s‌c‌r‌e‌e‌n data sent as data parameter.